Monday, October 19, 2009

Castiel: "Your Bible gets more wrong than it does right."

Now we get the "angel" Castiel dissing the Bible (Hollywood knows best, folks), and opining that the boy, Jesse (Episode 6), has the immense power — and could be manipulated — to "destroy the host of heaven".

The boy purportedly born of a virgin impregnated by a demon. Castiel says that such a one is called "the antichrist".

Seeing as this impinges upon something real that both exists and, in a final form, is coming upon the human scene, I will remark on it.

The apostle John (author of the Book of Revelation) in his Epistles says there were many antichrists
in his day, and would be up through the ages. They would be discerned by two things, they came out of the Christian church but were not Christians, and they taught that Jesus was not "God manifest in the flesh". The apostle Paul taught of the appearance at the end of the age of one he called the "man of sin" (or "lawlessness"), and the ancient Hebrew prophet Daniel, about 2,500 years ago, taught of one called "the little horn" (a symbolic term) who would go after the people of God at the end of this age to destroy them, deceiving all others on the earth to give him their allegiance, much as the pied piper led the lemmings over the cliff to their deaths. In the Revelation itself there is something called "the beast", which signifies both a government which persecutes the people of God — over the course of the
Christian era — as well referring to an individual at the end of the age who will lead a government of this type. These diverse streams of prophetic revelation (and there is more than mentioned here) can be understood to give a good picture of the characteristics of this person who is called "the antichrist".

But who wanted to know the reality of these things? You just wanted to be entertained, right? To be lulled to sleep while the grim reapers of the infernal realm gathered their gory harvest to keep them company in the lake of fire, in anguish unending.

I see there are more flicks coming soon.
2012 and the great catastrophe, an attempt to mimic (and minimize?) the Day of the Lord. I'll write about that shortly, and also Terminator Salvation (TS) (which I haven't seen, and will, DV, when it comes out on DVD in November). The latter, from what I know if it, seeks to posit a Judgment Day which also minimizes the actual one coming. All I'll say about TS's view for the moment is that it gives a hope of salvation from its day of judgment, and an overcoming of those who brought it to pass — the bad guys (if you can call machines "guys"). But the genuine Judgment Day will not be as depicted there.

Yes, I will have to devote a post to showing the reality of it from the true sources. Stay tuned.

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