Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Strategies of Seduction: Distraction & Deception

The stuff is so well done, so many genres to appeal to so many tastes, it’ll get a hook in multitudes!  Aliens, vampires, heroes, heroines, fantasy, sci fi, prowess, courage, beauty, raw power, rage, 21st century romance – now on a Big Screen (or smaller screens if you prefer, made for your phones or pads as well).

Exotic lands, planets, creatures, villains, monsters, superb weapons and strength – just sit back and relax, enjoy yourself.

In the meanwhile the invasion of planet earth continues, our extra-dimensional adversaries know how to use those already in their power – the artists, filmmakers and producers, writers, actors and actresses, high tech special effects – and your attention is arrested, you are lulled for the hit.  You never knew it was happening; you likely never will until you wake up on the other side of death:  the horror!  You have been taken, you have been had in a horror beyond what you ever thought possible – certainly the movies in whose thrall you were lulled never portrayed this reality!  You are dead and you are still awake; you see your body lying there and you aren’t in it, and there are creatures here – besides fellow humans in the same boat you’re in – who are terrors to look at, and their amused malice rippling across the currents of fury welling up in them now that they have you in their hands!  Why weren’t you warned of this!  Why weren’t you told this was coming?  How can it be!

But wait, you were told, it just didn’t strike you as true or real.   You just couldn’t be bothered with those jerks who told you you were morally accountable and that there was a God to answer to, and a spirit-world filled with devils and angels.  You actually hated those who talked – or even preached in the public places! – of Jesus Christ giving His life to pay for your sins so you could be forgiven them (for the asking!), and of His being raised from the dead so He could be your Savior and Shepherd on the throne of power in the Heavens to watch over you and protect you as you lived your life in the demon-infiltrated world.  You hated this kind of talk, and now you see it is true.

Everything was a lie!  Everything you believed in, wanted to believe in!  And the real heroes and heroines – the ones with genuine power and wisdom – were those you thought fools and jerks:  the ones who walked with the God of Heaven and earth, the Creator God, the God who so loved the world that He gave His only Son the Christ to save the perishing – and now you are perished!!!

Although you indeed have a terrible adversary – known as Lucifer the prince of demons – you were your own worst adversary, for you loved this world and its diversions and deceptions more than the truth; and you did know it was the truth, you just hated it, and suppressed the knowledge of it so you could get on with your pleasures, and with being the god of your own life – “to Hell with these preachers and their God!” was in your heart, but now it is you who have awoken in Hell.

Strategy #1 in the arsenal of Hell:  Divert the fools from considering the reality they are in; deceive them with delicious and fantastic dreams; keep them lulled until they are dead and in our hands, and we will vent our rage on these vile humans who have usurped our place in the favor of Heaven, who are creatures of the great Enemy on high!  Keep them distracted!  Never let up!

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