To the
Poets Who Live in the Days Leading to Armageddon
What are you all talking about?
Can you see what’s going on?
If you really are the antennae of the race
you would know the times we live in.
Can you see God?
Are you aware of the devil?
Can you see the Beast
upon which great whore Babylon rides?
Do you know the prophecies that reveal
the dynamics of the age we are in?
Do you know who the good guys are
and who the bad?
If friends come to you in fear
of the pounding catastrophes
laying waste their lives, loves,
homes, and this very land
can you guide them to a state
of peace?
Can you
enable them to die well
and not fear death?
Can you tell them what lies beyond the grave
with absolute certainty
so that even your dearest loves and your own
selves will not fear?
If you can answer in the affirmative
to all these things
you must be a seer of the Lord Christ
for He and His alone can.
If you can’t, please hang it up
for souls don’t need more jive
in times of life and death
they need poets alive
whose voices can reach into Heaven
like true priests and priestesses
able to bring God’s breath to your hearts
and give you eternal life
Poets who can endure the billowing flames
and storms that will close the apocalypse
ushering all souls to their eternal destinies
and from whose hearts and songs
issue those streams of living waters
pouring forth from the Gospel of Christ’s
great salvation – Heaven’s floodgates of mercy
from the heart of the Saviour of the world.
Don’t know this stuff?
I would suggest you hang it up
and seek out those hunted seers who do
for even in the ol’ USA things are gonna get
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