Sunday, May 19, 2013



The time of useful consciousness
the brief time in which
some lifesaving action is possible
                     –Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Lawrence, you’re almost finished
the time allotted you
on your pilgrimage
on this the Dark Planet
besieged from without
by invisibility-cloaked
Luciferian hordes
and from within by our own
ego-driven hearts
who prefer
to take the throne
of sovereignty
than yield it
to the God of life
and selfless love
who is Himself the source
of true holiness
– that sacred glory
we may have glimpsed
in high moments –

Yes, I know
He has those who claim to be
“his buddies on earth”
but belie this honor
by their antics
– forget them
they have nothing to do
with this
your own hour
of need – 

for the dark lord
eagerly desires
your soul
and awaits your arrival
in his realm
– you
who lifted your voice
to the world
in the name of the sacred
– you
who defied and despised
the dark powers
that engulfed
and overpowered
the sacred subjective
hearts of women and men
and little children
with juggernaut machines
and violence –
and now he would
make a spectacle
of you
the singer of humanity
and despoil you
before all the rest
of his captive humans
those who refused
the command of righteousness
and offer of mercy
and forgiveness
by his great Enemy
Jesus Christ
God the Son

forget His so-called
foolish “buddies”
it is the Saviour of the world
with whom
you now have to do
who says to you

*   *   *

Come to Me
all you who labor
and are heavy laden
and I will give you rest

him that comes to Me
I will in no wise cast out

I am the way
the truth
and the life –
no man comes unto the Father
but by Me

who gave My life
on the cross
a ransom for sinners

to make payment
for their sin

who rose from the dead
I am the resurrection –
and now give them the gift
of My own righteousness
as they abide in the shelter
of My heart

if you believe not
that I am He
you shall die in your sins

they that are whole have no need
of the physician
but they that are sick 
– I came not to call the righteous
but sinners to repentance

for I came not to condemn the world
but that the world through Me
might be saved

*   *   *

Lawrence, many would love to see
your face
on the new earth and heaven
wherein dwells righteousness
and is no death or pain

but the Eternal
dwells in our midst
surpassing the wonder
and glory
of all old earth’s

His presence
His love
our souls’ chief treasure

Rejoice with us
world without end.


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