Monday, May 13, 2013



The forest fires of the Kali Yuga
about to consume us
and Smokey the Bear
in his broad Park Rangers hat
in his raging fury
to save planet earth
still swings his vajra-shovel
to douse the fires of greed and war
          –Time Of Useful Consciousness, IX
          by Lawrence Ferlinghetti 

Lawrence, I think Smokey’s hangin’ out
down at the Disney lot
and ain’t gonna be no help to us
in the Age of the Bad Ace
Age of the demon
here on Apocalypse Field
in the global arena of consciousness
on the charred and cindery planet earth

You also wrote – in Poetry As Insurgent Art
in Populist Manifesto:

Time now to open your mouths
with a new open speech…
Where are Whitman’s wild children,
where the great voices speaking out
with a sense of sweetness and sublimity,
where the great new vision,
the great world-view,
the high prophetic song
of the immense earth
and all that sings in it
And our relation to it

Neither will Walt come to our aid
nor what wild children may have risen
in his line, for poems of buffalo strength and terrible
are no match for what casts the shadow of Mordor
in our time

and the singer of himself is now bellowing
in the bardos of the damned
for dissing “the high prophetic song”
of the Prophet
– of whom to speak
in this dark soul dark age
is to elicit venom
from the sting of death –
so his spirit ought not be summoned
to quicken our art
being unable to dispel the heart of the Shadow

There is only one spirit able
to stand in the storm of fury
(satanic fury it is)
and not be overwhelmed
a spirit unafraid of death
(knowing to die is to live
and after the resurrection
be rejoined to the body
forever glorious and free of death)

In the dark shadow storming
globe wonderland made hell
those Light-Bearers who speak forth
whose Christ-filled hearts shine forth
the truth of what is
and is to come
calling multitudes into the Ark
of His saving love and power
as the waters of death slowly rise

These do so knowing they go against the grain
of the world, of the Babylonian System of empire
of wealth of money of gold of love of what it can buy
of pleasure of entertainment of technology’s joys
of fantasy’s science fiction’s sword and sorcery’s epics
anything to drown out the noise and horror of the
of the boredom of living in the shadow of him
who cast Death-Spell into the deeps of being
(but we let him in)

so we have no river of life flowing within
to illumine all our being and banish death and evil
no river of joy sparkling streams of shalom
– well-being and inner glory to the nth.

The high prophetic song is the ancient one
we sing it without fear of the killer
the suppressor the censor the jailor the strong-arm
the well-poisoner of the mind
thug who likes to break bones and kick the life
out of people rape at will
– without fear we sing

The high prophetic song is the one who shows
the darkness will get darker
before the end of Kali Yuga, the Sanskrit
Age of the Bad Ace, the rise of that one
long foretold would have his evil day
so to crucible-clean the gold
a fiery cleansing off of dross
the self-love, self-aggrandizing, self-seeking
so the Light-Bearers would be like their chief
Jesus Himself
at least when the cleansing is done
and the glorified body given

So we see a deepening of the dark shadow
the vision of Tolkien called Mordor
but we call (the one who should not be named) Satan
and his bane influence, where evil is called good
and good evil, where the righteous are punished
and the wicked rewarded

And there is more
to the high prophetic song
the great world-view
the great new vision,
for the headquarters nation
of Empire Babylon
shall be visited with famine
with pestilence, with death
riots of the starving, the maddened
with despair and rage
the government strong in martial law
raving citizens slaughtered
in their rampaging hordes

the electric grid down
money down
comforts down
food delivery down
water (clean water) down

and the great whore empire who seduced the nations
or intimidated them
with the prospect of money
or muscle
by whose sorceries were all nations deceived
our psychedelic drugs of Woodstock
and the sixties and seventies
the potions from grass to acid, dust to meth
scattered across the world in a psychic blast
stronger than nuclear blast
energy which blew minds of rational thought
to make way for something darker
for a duende not human
and full of power

and the nations said
we see the source of power now
it is not from God
for we are the gods
it is from us
as we realize the great goodness within
and the power within

and the nations fell prey
to strong delusion
and the dwindling Light-Bearers shone
till the new laws said they must be extinguished
and many were, their houses of light emptied
and destroyed

This nation – so it is Apocalypse-written – will in one
go up in smoke in a vast desolation
such that those at sea who sought to trade
stayed afar off for fear of her torment
nuke smoke arising for the world to see

the remaining world then summoned to attention
to do good?  No, to finish the job the final solution
of the lovers of Jesus, who would not stand down
from saying the Law of His God is to be obeyed
and His mercy availed of
– given at such great cost
for love
of the lost
those who did not keep the Law, the great Ten
but desired forgiveness

and while many came to seek Christ’s rest and peace
(for He yet lives to dispense them from the throne of Heaven)
even more were outraged to hear from that Law
the penalty of rebellion against Heaven’s King
and who then world-wide executed the Great Silencing.

When this shall be almost accomplished
guess who will show up
as lightning shines across the heavens
from one end to the other?
None other than the Son of God come
to avenge His people
whose blood cried from the ground
against the slayers

This the great new vision, Lawrence,
though it is old, ancient, long foretold
yet anew given to every generation
and the word of mercy to every nation.

Smokey won’t cut it, nor Walt
only the Warrior who can stand
against the armies of the Dog
with power to parry nuclear spears
deflect their force and heat
unscathed undaunted
at all the earth’s armies can hurl His way

You gotta love Him
or hate Him
no middle ground.

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